Effie & Georgina

Mary and her family were on holiday from America and wanted some family photos taken of their stay while in Cheltenham. Mary booked me for a 60 minute shoot, and it was a bit of a rollercoaster, more so than usual! The girls were great fun, but unfortunately one of them was recovering from a cold and had a continuous cough, which made it hard to get lovely, smiling photos. Saying that, I found a few opportunities and took them. The girls were at their happiest just fooling around and having fun, which I think really comes across in the photos. Below is just a small selection. To check out what their Mum thought of the photos, please jump over to my review page. Thanks!

If you would like to book a mini park shoot then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you.

Craig & Co.

I met up with Craig and his brother and sister in early December, for a very chilly but beautifully frosty 20 minute photo shoot. The photos were to be a Christmas present for their Mum. I had never met Craig before, but I did a photo shoot with his sister, Becky, back in September, after Craig had purchased a gift voucher for her birthday. To view the photos from that shoot click here. They had loved the photos so much that they booked me again for some more pictures, but this time of the adults.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

The Hobbs Family

Marie contacted me recently because she wanted some up to date portraits of her daughter, Chloe. Her choice of location was Pittville Circus, where there was a gorgeous blossom tree. The brief was to focus mainly on photographing Chloe with a few family snaps.

This was the second time I have met this family. Five years ago we met in the same spot for another shoot. It was great to see them again, Chloe was so grown up and moving onto secondary school in September. Time flies! Below are a selection of images from the shoot.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

The Fisher Family

I met Rebecca and her family in Pittville Park for this 40 minute photo shoot. It was a cold Sunday morning but that didn’t stop the kids from having fun! We took a good walk round and they explored the rope swings and woodland trails as well as the stepping stones. As with all my photo shoots, I tried to make it feel more like a play than anything too formal. It helps to relax little ones, making smiles look more natural.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

The Taylor Family

Fiona was given this 30 minute photo shoot as a gift a year or so ago, but thanks to Covid had only been able to book it in recently. Luckily, none of my gift vouchers have an expiry date on them so can be redeemed at any point.

We met in Pittville Park where I spent much of the time chasing Fred around! Thankfully, Fred’s little sister, Cora, was unable to walk yet, so was an easier subject to photograph! Baxter their dog also had a few photos!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!


Isabelle’s Mum, Jo, was given her 40 minute photo shoot as a gift voucher last year but with the ongoing pandemic hadn’t found a convenient time to book it in until just recently. My gift vouchers can be redeemed at any point so families never need to feel rushed into booking something in immediately.

The shoot itself was great fun. Autumn is such a fantastic time of the year, probably my favourite season. Little ones can have so much fun playing in the leaves and the colours on the trees make for a beautiful backdrop for photographs.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

Florence & Toby

Hayley booked me for a 40 minute photo shoot in Pittville Park recently to capture some photos of her daughter, Florence. It was a beautiful, crisp Autumn day and the light was just gorgeous. Little Florence was full of giggles as Mum gave her cuddles and Dad threw her gently into the air. Toby, their little dog, was also keen to get in on some pictures!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

Andrew & Morgan

After the birth of my little mini mouse at the beginning of August, the work has been stacking up in September. It has been nice getting out and about, especially coming into Autumn - my favourite time of the year! Christina and her family booked a 40 minute photo shoot in Pittville Park . Always so much fun and plenty of running around playing peek-a-boo with the boys! It’s nice at the end of the shoot when the children say how much fun they had!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!


Sonny’s Mum, Stephanie, was given her 20 minute photo shoot as a gift voucher last year, but due to lockdown after lockdown wasn’t able to book it in until just recently. Luckily, I don’t put an expiry date on my gift vouchers so they can be redeemed at any point.

People are always surprised at how many good shots I can take in just 20 minutes, but it’s a good amount of time for little ones who don’t have long levels of attention. Little Sony was mesmerised by my camera and so enjoyed cuddles with Mum and Dad!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

Erin & Family

Erin and her young family booked me for a 40 minute photography session in Pittville Park. It has been great to be back out and working again after another lock down. The children enjoyed playing in the long grass and cuddles as a family.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

Cece & Rufus

It was nice to be back outside and working again after a difficult few months of lockdown and uncertaintiy. Phoebe was given her 40 minute family photo shoot as a gift voucher last Christmas. As with all my gift vouchers, they don’t have an expiry date to them - with two little ones of my own, I know how fast time flies!

Cece and Rufus were great fun. Phoebe told me at the start that Rufus can be quite shy, but if he was, he certainly didn’t show it such was his enthusiasm to be in all the photos! His little sister Cece was also a delight to photograph. Much quieter but very content, and that hedgehog dress - so cute! It’s always a good sign the shoot has gone well when, at the end, the little ones ask if you can go back to their house for a play!

Post production on this shoot was a little more time consuming than usual. The jumper that Rufus wore, as gorgeous as it was and so fitting for Autumn, was covered in lots of tiny bobbles! Much time was spent in Photoshop removing the worst of them.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

Xander & Frank

Last time I saw Xander it was when I photographed him at his christening party, which was a good few years ago now. Two years on and his Mum, Charlotte, was keen for some up to date photos of him. Charlotte had also asked if it would be okay for her friend and her little boy, Frank, to join in too. I’m more than happy if clients want to include friends and family in their shoots. There’s never any extra cost and it’s always lots of fun. This shoot was no exception. Many of my shoots with young children often look and feel more like a play date than a photo shoot. I find this approach works really well as it’s far less intrusive on the little ones and their characters come across much better as a result.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you!

Maisy, Jack & Arthur

Last weekend I was out and about with various different families in Pittville Park. It was great to get outside in the fresh air after spending months in lock down.

I last photographed Matt and his family in April 2018. Click here to view the photos from that shoot. It’s always lovely to see families again and I’m always surprised at just how much the children have grown! Maisy and Jack were no exception, Jack was just a toddler when I Iast saw him! Their cousin Arthur also joined us on the shoot. He looked super cute in his little sunflower jumper! As with many of my shoots with young children, it felt more like a play date, with me running around after them! Always great fun though and great to capture their little characters.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you!


Beth, Dan and Zac were given their photo shoot as a gift voucher from a relative last Christmas. None of my vouchers have expiry dates on them as I know how difficult it can be to find time with little ones in tow! The shoot was 60 minutes long and we met at Pittville Park, by the boat house. Pittville makes a great backdrop, especially on the other side of the road, away from the playground and pump rooms, where it’s quieter and more wooded. Little Zac enjoyed playing peep-o in the long grass and cuddles with Mum and Dad. He’d also just found his feet and was loving his new found freedom!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you!


After spending months in lockdown I can’t tell you how good its been to be back outside working again. Pittville Park always makes a great backdrop for photos and its felt like ages since I was last there.

It was great to meet baby Eliza and her parents. They were after a few images to capture those early days, which sadly, they hadn’t been able to obtain until now. The park was very quiet, so we found a shady spot under the trees and gently positioned her with teddy and blankets. She was quiet content throughout the 40 minute shoot. Mum and Dad even got in on a few photos too.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you!

Oliver & Matilda

This photoshoot took place just before Christmas but I’m only able to share the photos from it now as they were Christmas presents for family members.

I’ve photographed Oliver and Matilda many times over the past few years. It’s lovely to see how much they’ve grown. I normally catch up with them in the Autumn, in Pittville Park. Mum and Dad are never keen on being in the photos themselves, so the focus is primarily on the children. It’s always a lot of fun though, with plenty of smiles!

If you would like to book a mini park shoot then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you.

Esme, Jemima and Joseph

Esme, Jemima and Joseph were great fun to photograph, they had me running half way around the park after them! Plenty of leaf throwing, playing on the swings, scaling the nets and adventure assault course. It was a full on 40 minutes of mayhem!

If you would like to book a mini park shoot then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you.


This photo shoot took place back in November but the photos were Christmas presents for family members so I’ve only just been able to share it. Erin was a delight to photograph, a very photogenic young girl, and happy to hold my hand and lead me to her favourite piece of play equipment in the park! Her parent’s wanted the focus to be mainly on their daughter, with just a few family photos of the three of them. Below are a selection from the 40 minute shoot.

If you would like to book a mini park shoot then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you.

Georgie & Alexander

This was a 20 minute mini park shoot. Families are always impressed at how many lovely shots I can capture within a very short space of time! Georgie and Alexander were great fun. Mum wanted a few up to date pictures of them to send off as Christmas presents, and she was very happy with the selection I gave her.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. Thanks!

Agnus & Evie

Ruth was given her photo shoot as a gift voucher last Christmas. None of my vouchers have expiry dates so recipients don’t need to feel under pressure to book them in.

Agnus and Evie were delightful. We spent the majority of the shoot playing peep-o from behind trees, swinging on the swings, running up and down the stepping stones and hiding in the bushes among their beautiful Autumn colour.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. Thanks!