Nicole, James and Oscar
Nicole contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if I could come back to her stables in Foxcote, Gloucestershire, to do a family portrait photography session with her husband and 4 year old son, Oscar.
I was last there in April 2014 for one of Mouse About Town's very first photo shoots, follow this link to view the pictures from that photo shoot:
It was great to get back there again, but instead of focusing the photo shoot on the stables setting, this time we took a walk up to the fields that surround it. I clearly don't get out in the Cotswolds enough; it was majestical! I came home that evening proclaiming that I wanted to move to the country, (my husband, having heard this a million times, simply rolled his eyes!)
If you are thinking of having a family portrait photo session done then please get in touch using my contact page or give me a call on 07983 465414. My prices start from just £50 and includes all digital files, so no hidden extras!